San Diego Property Management Blog

The Benefits of Professional Landscaping for Rental Properties

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The Benefits of Professional Landscaping for Rental Properties

Investment property owners often focus most of their time and effort on improvements within the rental unit. While it’s important to ensure that the inside is nice and ready for tenants to move in, don’t neglect the outside areas! The reality is that professional landscaping offers many benefits that go far beyond curb appeal. It can be a strategic investment that brings in the right tenants, increases tenant retention, and even increases your overall property value.

First Impressions Matter

When potential tenants come to do a walk-through of the property, they will form a first impression based on what they are seeing outside. When the landscaping is well-maintained, then it creates a positive mindset before they walk through the front door. The quality of the landscaping shows that you are proactive about taking care of the property.

As a property owner, you want to be sure that you are attracting responsible tenants. These people understand the importance of taking care of the property and helping with maintenance. So, good landscaping can help you stand out from the competition.

Satisfied Tenants = Long-Term Renters

The goal is to keep good renters in the property for a long time. If you have a high turnover, then it costs you money because of the months that the unit is sitting empty between renters. Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases, which helps you avoid the associated costs of vacancy.

Beautiful landscaping is a great way to improve your renter's satisfaction and create a positive living experience overall. You might include grass for the kids to play on, colorful flower beds, and beautiful shade trees to offer an oasis in the summer.

Maintenance and Property Values

Yes, it takes a bit of work to keep up with landscaping maintenance. But no matter what you choose for landscaping, it is always going to take a bit of work. Remember that high-quality landscaping can be a long-term investment because the overall value of your property can increase over time.

Additionally, there are certain landscaping strategies you can use to identify and address potential problems in the earliest stages. The goal is to reduce the need for expensive upgrades or repairs in the future. A good landscaping strategy right now can reduce the risk of water damage to the rental unit. You might also put in eco-friendly solutions to save money on water costs in the future.

Written by Becki Andrus in partnership with Werever outdoor kitchen cabinets
